Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Psychological Issues for Teens
Relating to Being Overweight
For many overweight teens, their physical health
and well being are the least of their problems.
Much more relevant is the teasing and abuse they
receive from their peers at school and near where
they live. For many, it is not only what others
think of them that is upsetting, but it is what
they actually think of themselves. A good
percentage of teenagers (especially girls) are
clinically depressed because they are so
preoccupied with their weight. It does not help
that in every model or every actress you see, and
that people tend to aspire to be, are usually stick
There is evidence now amounting to just how much
pressure is being placed on obese teenagers. A
recent survey reveals that these kids rate the
quality of life they have as low as that of young
cancer patients while they are having chemotherapy.
There are other studies which have been carried out
that report increased rates of depression, low self
esteem and isolation from other members of their
age group, which can result in behavioral problems
in some. These teenagers are less likely to be
accepted into higher education (college) or to get
married, and are more likely to be part of the
lower socioeconomic groups.
What is worse is that many overweight teens will be
hard on themselves, and will often be mistreated by
others. A study carried out in 2001 by Latner and
Stunkard finds that this situation, rather than
improving, has steadily got worse.
Often, those teens who are overweight can suffer
from other problems such as cardiovascular,
orthopedic, gastrointestinal, respiratory,
hormonal, neurological and metabolic diseases
(diabetes). These can often manifest themselves
through psychological problems, and you may then
have to ask for assistance from a trained
professional in order to deal with them.
Today in the US, there are some weight loss
programs for kids which are residential, and
combine psychological therapy with behavior change
therapy in order to improve the teens self esteem
as well as their physical health.
So, during this book, we will look at ways in which
those teens, who wish to lose weight, can do so
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Report Of Weight Loss
Since the late 1990’s, there has been a dramatic
increase in obesity in Americans, regardless of
age, according to information collected and
analyzed by the National Center for Health
Almost 9 million (15%) children between the ages of
6 and 19 are overweight, and this number is still
growing according to information gathered between
1999 and 2000 (triple the number of 1980). The
information has also shown that another 15% of
children between the ages of 6 and 19 are at risk
of becoming overweight also.
Obesity is defined as having an excessive
accumulation of body fat which will result in the
person’s body being about 20% heavier than their
ideal body weight. So those people whose weight is
above what is considered their ideal range, are
defined as being overweight. Obesity is a common
eating disorder that is associated with teens.
Although teens may have fewer weight related health
issues than adults, those teens that are overweight
now are much more likely to be come overweight as
an adult. Teens who are overweight (in fact people
of all ages that are overweight) are at risk from a
number of different health issues, and these
1. Heart Disease
2. Diabetes
3. High Blood Pressure
4. Strokes
5. Some forms of Cancer
Those teens who are obese may find that they are
not only physically unfit, but their well being is
usually very low as well. Many obese people will
also tend to have a shorter life expectancy than
those who are the right weight for their body size.
Plus, it can also lead to social disabilities and
unhappiness, which in turn may cause them stress
and in some cases, may make them mentally ill as
A study that was carried and details which were
released in May 2004 suggested that overweight
children are more likely to be involved in bullying
than those children who are a normal weight. But
they can not only be the victims of bullying, they
may be the perpetrators as well.
The development of their own personal identity and
body image is an important goal for any teenager.
There are a number of causes for obesity which
center around an imbalance in the teens energy they
put into their bodies, (calories that they obtain
from the food they eat) and the energy they release
from their bodies (how good their metabolism is,
and how much physical activity they take part in).
Often teens when a teen is overweight, it is
because there is a problem with the nutritional
value of their diet, or it may be psychological,
familial or physiological, all of which we will
discuss a little bit more.
The Family
Often children and teens are more at risk of
becoming overweight if they have two overweight
parents. Although in some cases, this may be due
to a powerful genetic factor, or it may be because
they are modeling themselves after what they see
their parents eating. Also physical activities, if
any, they take part in, can indirectly affect the
In Activity
On average, an American child will spend several
hours each day watching television or on a
computer. Compare this to years ago, when this time
would have been spent doing some form of physical
activity instead. There are a large amount of
teens and children who are now overweight, as they
are expending little energy, and often eat high
calorie snacks while watching TV or playing on the
computer. Today in the US, about 1/3 of elementary
school children carry out some form of physical
education, and less than 1/5 take part in physical
activity programs after school.
Recently, information has shown that heredity can
influence fatness in a child and teen. It was
found that children born to overweight mothers have
been found to be less active, and often gain more
weight by the age of 3 months compared to those
children born to mothers who are a normal weight,
which suggests a possible inborn drive to conserve
In this book, we will look at various ways in which
help can be provided to overweight teens, and how
they can lose weight successfully without them
resorting to fad diets etc.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Weight Loss: Does Breakfast Matter?
Copyright 2006 Donovan Baldwin
There's a good chance that you are one of the thousands of Americans who skipped breakfast today. There is also a good chance that you are overweight. This is a guess based on statistical data and the fact that you are reading this article.
One set of statistics I recently saw said that about 25% of Americans skip breakfast. Another set said that nearly one-third (33%) of Americans are obese. Is there a correlation between eating breakfast and being overweight? Will eating breakfast be a significant factor in a weight loss program?
The answer to those questions is yes...er, I mean no...or maybe I mean maybe. While there seems to have been no definitive studies linking breakfast and weight loss directly, there does seem to be a mathematical relationship between skipping breakfast and gaining weight. There also seems to be other evidence that eating breakfast can be a factor in weight loss for some people.
As I often point out, weight gain and weight loss, is very seldom the result of a single action or omission. However, like activity, nutrition, rest, cortisol, and chocolate ice cream (my sin), eating breakfast can and should be an important part of any weight loss program, even if just to help prevent any further weight gain.
One significant aspect of eating breakfast is that it can definitely be a weapon against weight gain. Someone who does not eat breakfast (and we aren't talking about coffee and donuts) is more likely to snack later in the day, and is more likely to eat more food at meals than if they had eaten breakfast. A large portion of this is simply due to fluctuations of blood sugar and other chemicals related to hunger and stress which can be toned down by the simple act of starting the day with a healthy meal of some kind.
People who skip breakfast are more likely to run out of energy earlier in the day. Simple equation here. Less energy = less activity = less calories burned + snacking and overeating = X or Y or something. What do you think? Maybe creeping weight gain?
School children in particular, but even the guy at the next desk, may have trouble keeping up with lessons, work, life if they skipped breakfast. It's no problem for you because you ate breakfast right? The ability of the brain to function depends to a great extent on the nutrition which is provided to it.
Everybody's got an excuse. I don't have time. I don't like to eat breakfast. There's nothing to eat in the house. Eating breakfast makes me feel sick. The dog ate my breakfast.
Come on. We're all grownups here. When we know that doing something is good for us, not doing it is bad for us, and it's simple to do, refusing to do it is childish. Nobody said breakfast has to be a gourmet meal. A peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk and a banana is better than nothing. A bowl of cereal takes less than a minute to prepare and less than five minutes to eat. There are a multitude of nutritious breakfast bars available. You don't even have to eat them at the house. Keep them in your desk drawer or stick one in your pocket or purse as you leave the house. Sure beats munching on a Hershey bar from the machine and raiding the candy bowl on the receptionist's desk!
If you want to control your weight, fight fatigue and prepare yourself to cope with stress throughout the day, Start the day off right with breakfast. The calories you take in at the morning meal will help prevent your taking in even more calories later in the day.
Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University of West Florida (1973), member of Mensa, and retired from the U. S. Army, he now has severial websites and writes articles for his own use and that of other webmasters.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
How to Lose Weight Naturally
Discover How to Lose Weight Naturally...because you're serious about your health!
Why consider a 'natural' weight loss approach to losing weight?
"Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"
Never Before Revealed Information!
Dear Friend
In what is perhaps the most shocking announcement made in some time regarding the diet and health industry, a lady doctor has just released what some authorities are calling the world's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"
The woman doctor, whose name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, has really upset the major food & drug industries, as well as weight loss manufactured food companies.
In the past 6 years she has worked largely in secret developing what may be the "cure" for obesity -- and testing this first on herself, and then on a select group of volunteer patients who anxiously awaited salvation from the harmful effects of suffering "the battle of bulge."
So valuable her SHOCKING findings and PROVEN results are, that she's now just released her simple and easy-to-do system under the aptly titled: "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"
And her timing couldn't be better! ...
- Since recent studies reveal obesity has now reached epidemic
proportions, her secret may well prove a major life-saver to the
now more than 40% of Americans alone who are labeled
- Children are now considered "fatter than ever" by most experts,
and Dr Suzanne's remedy may prove a preventative in the fight
against later-in-life developed diabetes when these same
children grow into adults!
And what may be the BIGGEST "Shock" of all is this horrifying fact:
=> Dr Suzanne has received death threats for simply making
her secret fat loss solution available to the general public -
and from what law enforcement investigators believe may
be insiders in the weight-loss/diet food manufacturing and
weight-loss drug treatment industries!
One federal law enforcement official (who insists on remaining nameless) said in confidence:
"It's no shock to us at the [agency name withheld for security
purposes] that this lady doc has received so many threats on
her life as food and drug companies stand to lose potentially
billions of dollars by the release of her new breakthrough
secret for losing weight."
But now with the release of this breakthrough weight and fat loss revelation, people who previously struggled so very hard with little or any success in the fight against the "extra pounds" now have a VAST & POWERFUL WEAPON on their side for a well-deserved change!
When asked if she feared retaliation from pharmaceutical and weight-loss food manufacturers, she said almost too hopefully...
"I wish they would do so especially in public because to get
fired upon for this would demonstrate more than ever that I
must have done something very, very right ... as anyone
with common sense would see that the only reason they are
in business in the first place is because being overweight as
a population only serves to make them even richer ... and
what I've done is going to free masses of people from being
slaves to them for good! - even many millions."
So despite the continued threats, Dr Suzanne is more on the ball and out to ruffle as many feathers as she can with her New "TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret!"
To be sure the good gal-doctor isn't going this alone! Nope. She's got some very BIG heavy-hitters on her side!
Joined in unison by some of the biggest names in modern medicine from the likes of Johns Hopkins, Harvard Medical, and a good number of the other leading world-recognized hospitals and higher-learning institutions, Dr Suzanne moves rapidly forward in her personal "war" on ugly, unwanted fat and for the pursuit of better and eventually optimal health for all!
Additionally, you should know that nothing about her secret fat loss cure is difficult or hard to do.
What you may even find strangely surprising about her secret is the fact that it can by done by anyone effortlessly! (You'll have to see it for yourself to understand how this is actually possible!)
So if you are someone who has been losing the fight against ugly fat and unwanted extra inches (that eventually without a doubt will shorten your life and lower the quality of it), then this is exactly what the good lady-doctor ordered!
But I feel it only fair to warn you that "the rush" is so vehemently on, that if you hesitate you may find that tomorrow when you get there (the link just above) the credit card-taking process might be so overburdened that you can't order at all ... (So it might be a good idea that you hurry on over there NOW rather than risk waiting till later and losing out for good!)
Plus, it's my understanding that she knocks off nearly HALF the price just for people getting over there within 24-48 hours!
So if I were you I'd not take any chances because although credit card processing may still be working by the time you get there, the price may nearly DOUBLE just 2 days from now (and then you'll kick yourself saying "Dad-gummit! I knew I should have grabbed that when I had the chance!" ... so don't let this happen to you - grab it NOW!)
Also keep this in mind...
How many times have you seen sudden "breakthroughs" of such great controversy potentially come along and cause a woman doctor to actually get death threats for her secret 'know-how?' -- You're right ... very, very few.
So don't overlook this email as it may very well prove to be one of the most influential and important ones you've ever received...
Hope this helps some people,
© 2003-2010 World Marketing Media, Inc.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Water Therapy Weight Loss
A professional who says that water is life makes sense, as it cleans, nourishes and detoxifies the body. Beyond this concept really holds water 70% of one's anatomy and all the wonders in eliminating enemies of the body, free radicals and unwanted toxins. Experts and ordinary people are in a common ground water treatment is in fact natural weight loss program embraced by many health enthusiasts, young and old.
In addition to hydrate and refresh your body down, water helps in proper digestion of food in your stomach. Drink 8-10 glasses a day can allow bad substances to be washed and improve their digestive capacity. There is nothing compulsory drinking, but here is a very good track: more water you drink, the better you can prevent disease and faster than you can digest food. How about you? Would it make sense in your weight loss program if you drink glasses of water beyond its usual amount?
Underlying diseases around the intestines, stomach and kidneys can be prevented if you take a considerable amount of water. If you have concerns about urine and bowel movements regularly, then maybe you could take more glasses of water to solve this problem. Water is also a powerful catalyst in the removal of toxins and free radicals evil out of your system. These substances are what you get from the food you munch on, drink that step and the air inhaled. If these toxins remain in your body too long, can cause diseases that make it harder for you to reach your weight loss program objectives.
If you also drink plenty of water before your food intake, decrease appetite. This is good because you do not have to eat too many. In this case, water acts as a suppressant that makes your stomach feel stuffed. Not only will you save money, you also stay away from fattening foods. It also allows you to tolerate a state of zero calories.
Water is also an energy booster that keeps the body to continue to break down food. Once you feel full, supple and metabolized, the level of energy your body can withstand any physical activity you participate in. The lack of water in the body will dehydrate and cause problems like nausea, dizziness and other harmful conditions.
To wrap it all, water helps to speed up your weight loss, as not only considered as eradication of toxins, but also a fat burner, and bacteria food disposer cleaner.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Start your weight loss in 2010
It is time to clean the mud on vacation, get your appetite under control, and a kick up the metabolism. There is no better way to do this that my favorite plan rapid weight loss, a modified diet plan high in protein and fiber quality.
Strict diets are harmful to their health because they can cause leptin to enter starvation mode "which means to regain all the weight you lose as soon as you start to eat more. My plan allows you to quickly get back on track without causing a problem of leptin - the contrary - you'll get the leptin in the right direction.
In addition to losing weight, this program helps reduce the size of your stomach and your metabolism out of a rut. This plan is very simple and easy to follow.
The Plan - Phase 1
Their staple food is 1 ½ tablespoons of one of our protein powders (Protein Plus daily newspaper or protein), mixed with a spoonful of any of our products fiber (Fiber assistant or LeptiFiber). These are mixed in the beverage of your choice, such as 2% milk, rice milk, almond milk, vegetable juice, or 50% of the water juice/50% fruit (avoid soy milk, because slows the metabolism).
You can mix a serving of fruit in your drink or mix with a spoon and have the piece of fruit later. You can drink coffee or tea with breakfast and lunch but not dinner. You may have cream or half and half in your coffee or tea. You may not have any sweetener in coffee or tea, natural or not.
Ideally, this is all you eat for the first three days. There is NO kind of snacks between meals or overnight. The first day or two is always more difficult, especially at night. Use your willpower, after several days you will be surprised that most cravings are completely gone.
In its fourth day, a dinner. Your dinner can be in the range of 400 to 500 calories. Eat a 4 - 6 oz lean protein part of any cottage cheese or 2%. Two servings of vegetables. One serving of complex carbohydrates. One bite of dessert (or none).
You should now notice that you get a full signal to eat this much food. If not, stay away from the table and do something, looking at his watch to see how long it takes for the full signal to come (without eating more.) How long it takes to get a full signal is exactly how bad that leptin is still beaten you. That means making other four days, and repeat the test on day onwards. Once you get a normal full signal to eat a normal amount of food, then you are ready to move forward.
Phase 2
Decide how much weight you want to lose and the rate you want to go. You can do two protein / fiber drinks per day, usually breakfast and lunch, and then eat a meal of 400-500 calories or you can do three protein / fiber drink and eat a meal every day or every third day.
If you have a social event which is then plan your day meal to coincide with the event. If you end up eating more than the 400 to 500 calories, then exercise more next day. Do not get off track.
Phase 3
Once you've done this for three or four weeks, and then either continue to Phase 2, if desired, or go to a protein / fiber drink for breakfast and two meals per day.
You should notice that you feel full and energized in the 400-500 calorie meals, has no desire to eat a snack or after dinner at night, and continue to lose weight if weight loss is necessary. If you are back into a bad eating pattern, return to Phase 2 - or if necessary Phase 1.
Exercise, sleep, stress, cravings, Immunity, and other necessary vitamins
The absolute minimum amount of vitamins you need, plus protein and fiber is a multiple vitamin (Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin, 2-4 a day) and a high quality of essential fatty acids with other anti-inflammatory nutrients ( Leptinal, 2-4 per day). You can take as many vitamins as you want and more can make the program easier for you, as a whole package of control of leptin.
Exercise at least 4 hours per week, more is better, do what you can. If desired, you can use additional nutrients to support the burning of fat during exercise (such as Q10, CardioHelper, MuscleMag, Pantethine - supplements that I recommend to burn fat while running).
You must obtain a minimum of seven hours of sleep, preferably eight. When necessary, use Dream Helper, RelaxaMag, and melatonin.
Stress is always a wrench into any weight loss program. You will be surprised, if you eat enough fiber, which can process the stress without getting a craving to eat while on this program. When necessary, use stress Helper or any other nutrients that help fight stress. Use oil or pine nuts if you LeptiSlim to the whims of the tension, or at any time between meals.
Do not start the program if you are sick. If you start catching an error while you are in this program for the reduction in the exercise and increase immune support nutrients (such as Super Immune Booster). If necessary, suspend the program and try again later when you feel well.
Why does this program
This program brings leptin and other metabolic signals in balance, while increasing your energy and muscle function, while eating fewer calories. It's worth your time to read my two feature articles that explain in depth why this approach is the fastest and safest way for anyone about to drop a few pounds and return to a healthy eating pattern.
healthy eating,
rapid weight loss,
weight loss
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Why is it so difficult to weight loss?
Weight loss is a common problem for millions of Americans struggle with today. Very few Americans have succeeded in losing a desired amount of weight.
The main problem is that most people can not stick to the designated program. For example, a weight loss program usually includes both diet and exercise. Most of the time a person trying to lose at least one attempt of this weight. Many times what happens is that exercise may be too intense for that person, as they must have lacked for so long the exercise that goes back to why they are so.
Another perspective is the diet. Most people seeking weight loss are usually in this pandemic, because not only eating food with high amounts of sugars and fats, but also food ans large amounts of these fats sugars. This becomes a major problem because changing old habits for anyone is a very difficult process, especially in the United States since you can not walk two feet outside his door without seeing a McDonald's.
So in the final diet or weight loss in general is a difficult process due to extreme new "lifestyle" that would have to adapt. A recent statistic said that those who fail to reach an ideal target weight on a diet actually trying to diet gain more weight instead of losing.
The reason for this is once you "give" start "binge" which means that almost everything you eat on the site without restrictions. This is a negative impact of a diet considered by many. Of course most of the researchers and doctors say that diet and exercise are essential for a healthy life, either lose weight or not.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Quick Weight Loss
Quick weight loss diets prey on people's intense desire, nevertheless, to achieve the body you've always wanted. Unfortunately, the results are too often temporary at best.
Here's a little secret: any diet can result in rapid weight loss. That's why people seem to lose weight on fad diets crazy. But these diets are developed to be temporary: no need to make permanent changes in your life. And that's what it takes to lose weight, which means that these diets will fail.
When we look and look and look, for help in our search for weight loss, rapid weight loss diets become very attractive. This, we believe, is what I've been looking for. This will work. We are ready to believe claims incredible, because we want and need. For others, a quick fix and instant gratification. From time to time we are not willing to wait for lasting change, so we will take the temporary satisfaction of seeing the results, no matter how fleeting they are. If you are still tempted to try a fad diet, taking into account the reasons for not working:
1. Same old, same old
Often, rapid weight loss diets do not offer our bodies and appetites with a variety of foods. We finished eating the same foods, day after day. Eat the same food all the time becomes a chore. Not encourage us to consume less.
2. Cheating!
When you are limiting and restricting the foods you eat, appears doubly seductive prohibited. A cookie will not hurt what you think. But then you end up swallowing a whole bag. Rapid weight loss diets are risky for any reason can, in fact, lead you to eat more every time you fall off the diet wagon.
3. They can be difficult to follow.
Quick weight loss diets are difficult to integrate into your life and commit to an enduring part of his routine of eating. From boredom to a lack of variety to binge, it's too easy to cheat or give up.
4. The risk of gaining weight.
Many people gain more weight every time they go on a diet of quick weight loss. Whether the factor that is so easy to cheat or overeat every time you stop the diet, the diet tends to gain weight. There is nothing more frustrating than to be back at zero. The alternative to diets quick weight loss? The answer is the behavior of healthy eating and regular exercise. Despite our desire to believe in miracle diets, healthy eating and exercise are the only way to achieve lasting, healthy weight loss. To see real changes and long-term in your body, incorporating a number of these in your life:
* Add vegetables rich in nutrients each food.
* Add more fiber to your diet. Not only help improve health in general, has the advantage of helping your body burn more fat.
* Try to eat small meals throughout the day.
* Make breakfast your main meal and dinner your small meal.
* Exercise. Stay active! Anything from playing tag with their children to take the stairs at work can help get in better shape.
* Have regular training. If you are short on time for a session of exercise throughout the day, making multiple short ones.
* Add the nutrient-rich whole grains to your diet.
* Make better decisions calories. Opt for foods rich in nutrients to obtain maximum benefit from each calorie. Eat quality before reaching the empty calories.
The longest journey begins with one step. This is the case with weight loss as well. Small steps can bring big rewards, and if you agree to a change some good, may increase the changes of a lasting change in the body and health. Having a healthier life, where you eat healthy foods and exercising, you can make weight loss easier, more practical and permanent. No "diet." It does not work. Most quick weight loss diets are, at best, temporary fixes that promise much more than what they offer
Monday, August 9, 2010
Side Effects of Weight Loss
Does Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have any bad side effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and body composition (i.e. losing fat and gaining muscle) changes seen in studies using mice and rats. Does is work in humans? More recently research in humans has shown that it can be used to increase fat loss. In this article we'll look at some of the benefits of CLA as well as some of the potential side effects. In addition to weight loss studies there have been (and are currently) countless studies looking at the effects of this fatty acid on reducing inflammation, fighting cancer, and in the treatment of other conditions.
Ever since 2007, there has been an increase in use of CLA as a fat burner. This is due to the release of a meta-analysis (basically a review of several scientific studies) published in the May 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which concluded that 3.2g/d of CLA can induce moderate weight loss in humans. CLA is an attractive weight loss supplement and many people use conjugated linoleic acid as part of a fat loss supplement stack (i.e. a group of compounds and herbs taken together to maximize effects) because unlike many other weight loss supplements it is not a stimulant and you don't suffer the nasty side effects of getting the jitters, increased heart rate, or worse - increased blood pressure. This is especially as there are not many effective options for non-stimulant fat burners on the market.
Let's now look at two more studies that involve people taking supplemental CLA. The first study was again published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers found that when people supplemented with 3.2 g/d of CLA (this is generally the recommended dosage for weight loss purposes) they burned more fat and more specifically they burned more fat when they slept!
This is true.
Not only did the subjects that took CLA burned more fat when they slept, the fat they burned was NOT fat they had recently eaten; it was actually stored body fat that they were burning. This study gets even better as the researchers reported that the individuals that took CLA had decreased urinary protein losses. In other words the CLA group had improved protein retention when they slept. These are really interesting findings. If I owned a supplement company that sold large dosages of CLA - my new headline would be "CLA - Scientifically Proven to Burn More Body Fat and Build Muscle while you SLEEP."
So CLA can work for weight loss but are there any side effects? Again in 2007, another study was published that looked at the effects of CLA on weight loss, this time in obese people. In this study, the participants were given CLA dosages of 0, 3.2, or 6.4 grams/day. At the end of the study the group that received the 6.4 g/d of CLA experienced a significant increase in a compound called C - reactive protein or CRP for short. C - reactive protein is a protein that is released from your liver. It is commonly used in the medical field as a general marker of the level of inflammation in your body - higher CRP means more inflammation.
While there was an increase in CRP, it was truly not clinically significant as CRP levels remained below what is considered normal (Normal CRP levels are 3mg/dL). It is also important to see realize that the people in the study that had increased CRP as a result of taking a CLA supplement were taking 2x the 'recommended' dose for weight loss and also that people that obese normally have higher CRP levels (this might have come into play here as well). The group that only took 3.2 grams per day did not have any increase in their CRP levels.
Based on the findings in the studies that I've mentioned above and the review of studies from article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is seems that 3.2 g/d of CLA can be safely taken to boost weight loss.
The next question that you should ask is...
What do you do with these findings? At the moment not a whole lot... CLA is a nice add-on to a fat loss program but "add-on" is the key word. CLA is perfect for nutrient stacking as combing these effects with a supplement like green tea extract (which has also been shown to boost weight loss), increased non-exercise physical activity, and multiple meals throughout the day will surely boost your fat loss. If you aren't spot on with your nutrition, training with weights 3x per week, and doing 3 interval sessions per week then don't waste your time with CLA and focus on the more important things.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Weight Loss Solution: Eat 20 Carbs a Day??
This is no joke. Are you ready, really ready, to lose weight and build health, fitness, and your body best?
Are you ready to peek over your shoulder in the mirror and look hot in those pants?
Then eat 20 carbs a day.
“What? 20 carbs a day? Are you crazy, Dr. Leslie? Don’t carbs make you fat?”
Yes and no.
Yes, I am a bit (or a lot) crazy.
No, carbs don’t make you fat. More calories in than out make you fat.
But you’re right – carbs do get a bum rap. So it’s confusing. Let’s get carb clear, shall we?
All carbs are not created equally.
There’s the bad-guy carbs – refined foods, like white sugar, white flour, white rice, quick oats, boxed cereals, 99% of all breads. Lots of calories. No nutrients. They turn into fat in your body.
Yikes! Who wants more fat? Lose those bad guys and those pounds right along with them. Out, out, out! Off, off, off!
But get in, in, in with the good-guy carbs – your newest best friends: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (like brown rice, not breads), and beans (like black or kidney beans).
Broccoli has 58% carbs, Romaine lettuce 54%, green beans 76%, potatoes 92%, carrots 87%, bean sprouts 64%, spinach 54%, apples 95%, oranges 91%, bananas 92%, kidney beans 70%, and brown rice 85% carbs.
Yet, 4 cups of lettuce is only 32 cals, 1 cup of broccoli, 46 cals. 1 cup of brown rice, 173 cals.
One egg-McMuffin is 280 calories. One quarter-pounder with large fries – 910 cals. One chicken enchilada – 330 cals. Tuna, no mayo, sandwich – 720 cals. Ham with mustard on rye – 560 cals. You get it.
Good-guy carbs come in those foods that give you the most nutrition for your calorie buck – loaded with nutrients, low in calories. Once you get carb clear, it’s a no-brainer – fill up on carbs to trim off the fat.
Good-guy carbs also give you energy. Your brain is fueled almost 100% by the glucose from good-guy carbs. No, your zip and thinking power don’t come from protein.
Protein in your body is like the engine in your car. Carbs are the gases that make it run. Without gas, you stop. Pretty simple.
Rev yourself up with at least 20 of those energizing good-guy carbs a day. It’s a piece of cake (little joke – that’s a bad-guy carb) if you follow “10+10 for Life.”
Center your day around those whole, fresh fruits for breakfast and snacks, a 10-veggie salad for lunch and dinner, along with other vegetables, whole grains like brown rice or barley, and beans.
Count up the carbs (10+10=20) to count down the pounds. Bingo, bango.
Here’s to you and your 20-carb solute to weight loss and your body best. And I solute you for working hard (and playing) to create that body you can be proud of.
Now’s the time to feel good about you – go for it!
“Extra cals are not your pals, gals.”
~ Dr. Leslie
Dr. Leslie Van Romer is the author of forthcoming "Getting Into Your Pants," chiropractor, weight loss cheerleader, and feel-good-about-you motivational health speaker.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The Truth About Targeted Exercise
Fat loss for you? Well, you may be contemplating buying the latest ab buster gizmo on the market just to get rid of that fat belly. Before you do, you might want to read this information. The truth is these machines will not bust the fat off your midsection, hips, or thighs like they claim.
How you Gain Weight
The idea that you can lose fat from a particular body part by targeting that part with intense exercise is not a new one. Someone always claims to have the miracle movement that will leave you with six-pack abs. That, my friends, is simply not true.
We gain weight based on body type, age, gender, and genetics. The base reason we gain fat stores is that we consume more than we burn, however where that fat is stored is affected by the above-mentioned reasons.
We all have a different body type, some are heavier on the bottom, some in the middle, and others on top, and still others gain weight all over equally. This type of localized weight gain is determined at least in part by genetics. If your mom carried a lot of weight on her hips, the chances are good that you will as well.
Other things like child bearing can also affect where the weight is stored. Needless to say, fat settles where it will based on factors that you have little control over.
How Exercise works
Exercise works by increasing your metabolism; this in turn creates increased caloric burn. When you have burned all the calories consumed in a day this burn will then shift to the stores of fat on your body. However, they will not turn to specific areas just because that is the area being worked.
Abdominal machines, thigh masters, and all the other gadgets you can buy will do only one thing strengthens the muscle underneath the stores of fat. Moreover, guess what, you are not likely to be able to see the difference until the over lying fat is removed.
To remove it you will have to do high intensity work outs and watch what you eat. That is the secret pure and simple. Can the machines help you? In a limited fashion only, when you strengthen any muscle group it is a good start, but you will have to couple it with other measures to see the fantastic results you were hoping for.
When you want to lose weight look at it as a process. You must eat less, exercise more and increase lean body mass. All of these things are accomplished by a well-rounded diet that includes all the major food groups, increased activity, and weight training.
There are no magic bullets to weight loss, no pill or gadget that is going to make it easy for you. It will take work and dedication to a lifestyle change. When you accomplish this, you will feel and look amazing. A healthy fat loss diet balances your mood and gives you the energy you need to exercise.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Lose Weight By Avoiding Acidic Foods
Alkalizing your body can help you improve your health and reach your ideal weight. One of the ways to alkalize your body is to reduce the amount of acidic foods you eat. The best place to start is to reduce or eliminate the amounts of highly acidic foods you eat.
The theory of alkalizing your body was developed by Dr. Robert Young. He maintains that virtually all modern health problems are caused by an acidic diet and lifestyle. One of the ways the body deals with too much acid is to store it in fat cells leading to many people being overweight because of too much acidity in their body.
Your body needs to maintain a pH of 7.35. Acidic foods have a lower pH. Your diet will naturally have foods with higher pH and foods with lower pH, but if you can reduce or eliminate the lower pH foods, your body will be able to alkalize better.
For most people, animal protein (meat) is a big part of their diet. It is also one of the most acidic forms of food you can eat. Reducing the amount of animal protein that you eat will go a long ways towards alkalizing your body. The least acidic form of animal protein is fish.
Dairy products are another common type of acidic food that many people eat. Dairy products contain lactose which breaks down into lactic acid when digested. In general, cheeses are the most acidic while soy milk and goat milk are less acidic.
Sweeteners are very common in almost every food and are also highly acidic. When you eat sugar and other sweeteners like corn syrup, whatever isn
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Work On Getting To The Health Club If Dieting Comes Easily
Some people have no difficulty modifying their diets. Possibly because of prudent dietary upbringing, they can cut the fat and cut calories without experiencing any kind of significant discomfort. While it seems that few are like this, some definitely are.
Yet, these people are often in need of improvement when it comes to exercise. For whatever reason, they cannot seem to stay on a regular workout routine. Sometimes this is because of time constraints, quite often the result of long commutes. Other times it is simply the result of boredom. There is just not enough to challenge them mentally on a ten mile run as there is when they are their jobs.
Even with a reduced calorie plan, these people can still experience weight loss Cutting calories only has limited effects. People still need to burn off built up fat deposits and keep their systems escalated to attain their desired ends.
What needs to happen is that those who have no trouble with their diets need to focus the greatest amount of attention on their workout regularity. That may result in an entire re-thinking of what it means to have fun or what to do immediately after dinner. In other words, time for recreation at board or computer games may need to be converted to after dinner walk times or regular trips to the health club.
Diet and exercise are essential for any weight loss or fitness program. One without the other is never enough to maximize health and cause the desired changes in appearance. Nearly every drug and supplement manufacturer recognizes this, which is why they almost always say when taken in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. Further, anyone who has tried to lose weight by calorie reduction alone has probably experienced a return to previous levels because of extreme disappointment with the result
No weight loss program can be one sided. Certainly one can cause significant changes by consuming a very limited number of calories, but muscle tone issues will sabotage a continuation of these efforts. That is because most of us are interested in losing weight to look and feel youthful or healthy. Often times that is referred to as fit, attractive or even youthful. These will never result from calorie reduction alone.
Therefore, anyone who believes that his condition can be changed by merely going on a diet ought to re-think his or her position
before starting out again. Without an exercise program that is as regular as the brushing of one's teeth, one's new diet no matter how promising is doomed to ultimate failure.
Get wealthy while getting healthy. It's the wise thing to do.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Dieting For Children-A Self-Esteem Safeguard
It is difficult in the world we live in to watch as so many children are literally overburdening their bodies at such young ages by being overweight. These children simply cannot run, jump, and play with the other children because their bodies simply will not allow them to do so. For these children, dieting is almost a necessity despite our best efforts to insulate them from the self-esteem issues that often accompany obesity.
If you have a child that is well outside the normal weight range for his or her age you are the one who must make the efforts and take the necessary steps to insure they shed those pounds in order to live a life that is as close to normal as possible. The first thing you need to do however is consult with your child's doctor about the best possible course of action that will also safeguard the health of your child.
Put quite frankly however, if you do not take the efforts to assist your child in shedding those pounds you are placing the health of your child at risk. We do not let our children play in the street, we don't let them run with knives, why on earth would we allow them to commit suicide by Twinkie? If you have a child that is overweight, the following tips should help you and them with their dieting.
First of all, do not make food a punishment or a reward. Food is part of the problem with your children and you do not need to use it against them. Instead, introduce them to healthy alternatives. Do not keep the junk in the house and do not let them purchase lunch at school. Pack their lunches for school so that you know what they are eating. If you don't give them junk food they cannot have it when at home and you can work to insure that they can't get their hands on junk food when they leave the house.
Incorporate healthy snacks into your families eating plan rather than junk food. Fresh fruit, cut up vegetables, nuts, and frozen yogurt are good healthy snacks for your kids. When in doubt consult the food pyramid but watch calories in the process. You want your children to eat a well balanced diet while eliminating junk food and sweets for the best result.
Cut out the juices and pop. This may be a huge ordeal in your house but the greatest gift you can offer your child is a deep and abiding appreciation for water. Water works to make their bellies feel full and keeps them hydrated for the added activities you should be introducing into their routines.
Have them take dance, take up a sport, or simply get out and run around the yard. The worst thing you can do is to allow your children to become comatose television, computer, or video game zombies. Get them out and get them active. This helps in two ways. First of all, they aren't eating if they are outside playing and having a good time. Second, they are burning calories as they play which is a huge bonus in the dieting process for your children.
As your child begins to take off the weight you should begin to notice a very profound difference in not only the way he or she carries his or herself but also in his or her interactions with others. Your child will experience restored and renewed self-confidence as the pounds come off and the teasing at school stops.
If you are at a complete loss as to how to help your child take the weight off there are camps that are designed specifically to deal with weight issues and building self-esteem in children ages 7-19. One of these camps may be just the answer you are looking for. Another thing to consider is to lead by example. If you don't eat the junk food, if you are active, and if you do not engage in emotional overeating your child will not be learning those behaviors from you or having them reinforced by you.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Facts About Colon-Cleanse And Weight-Loss For A Healthy Life
There is a huge portion of the population that are trying to reach their weight-loss goals. Every weight-loss diet aims to reduce caloric intake and increase fat and calorie burn, but with that calorie reduction comes reduced vitamins and nutrients. The body must work optimally to digest food and absorb these nutrients in order to maintain a healthy and happy life. Colon-cleanse can be the perfect addition to any weight-loss diet.
Weight-loss requires the body to work in a perfect manner after the proper food choices are made from meal to meal. Once the food is digested, it is the intestines job to absorb the best parts of your new, healthy weight-loss diet. When food reaches the lower intestine, or colon, if old processed food is clogging up the colon, nutrients cannot be properly pulled from food. If the body is not getting what it needs from food, you will automatically feel hungry to meet the basic needs of the body.
Processed, fast and unhealthy foods are the worst choice for colon health. Man has created these foods within the last 100 years. While this seems like a long time, the human body takes far longer to adapt to new foods and consistent changes. The colon will continuously try to pull nutrients from these foods, but it can take much longer than absorption from natural, whole foods. The colon will store the foods until proper digestion can be completed and this can cause sludge on the walls of the intestine.
When weight-loss diet plans are started, the healthy foods should taste good and give the body all it needs to function. Instead, weight-loss attempts are halted because foods are pushed through the colon without proper digestion. The body notices a lack of healthy nutrients and feels hungry so more food will be consumed - so much for weight-loss.
Colon-cleanse works to remove the old sludge and stored foods on the walls of the colon. With a trusted colon-cleanse, five to seven days are all that is needed to remove the damage caused by those trips through the fast food window and increase the effectiveness of the colon. Many people, however, turn their nose up at colon-cleanse because they simply do not understand the exact process.
Colon-cleanse for weight-loss does not have to mean running to the bathroom every five minutes. Diarrhoea is not a side effect of healthy colon-cleanse products, so completing the colon-cleanse while starting a weight-loss diet cam improve weight-loss and happiness. Instead of pushing waste out of the body more quickly, colon-cleanse works to improve absorption and gently flush out the old food that is hindering the weight-loss diet goals.
Losing weight is all about having a healthy body and living life happily. Colon-cleanse is the proper complement to a healthy, weight-loss diet. Starting a new colon-cleanse regime today means giving you a leg up on weight-loss and dieting success.
Calcium for Weight Loss
Calcium may be the newest weight-loss
secret. A new study provides more evidence that
calcium can fight body fat and help keep your weight
under control.
Researchers found that adolescent girls who consumed more
calcium weighed less and had less body fat than girls
who consumed the same amount of calories from other
sources. Previous studies have shown that a higher
calcium intake can block body fat production in adults and
preschool children, but this is one of the first studies
to show that it might have the same effect in
body-conscious preteen and teenage girls.
The study
The study, presented this week at the Experimental Biology
2003 meeting in San Diego, involved an ethnically mixed
group of 321 girls aged nine to 14.
Each of the girls recorded everything she ate and drank,
along with any calcium or vitamin supplements, for three
days. Researchers also measured the girls' physical
activity, weight, and amount of body fat just above the
hipbone -- a measure of abdominal fat.
Not surprisingly, they found that the girls who consumed
more total calories and exercised less weighed more and
had more body fat. But when researchers compared girls
with similar calorie intake, physical activity level,
and size, they found that the girls who consumed more
calcium on average weighed less.
Researchers say most of the calcium in the girls' diet came
from dairy sources, and it didn't take much to make a
difference in their body fat and weight. The study found
an increase of one serving of dairy, such as a cup of
milk or thumb-sized piece of cheese containing about 300 mg
of calcium, was associated with about half an inch less
abdominal fat and nearly 2 pounds in lower weight.
But researcher Rachel Novotny, PhD, RD, says the findings
shouldn't be interpreted as an excuse to add more cheese
and other calcium-rich dairy products to your diet in
the hopes of stimulating weight loss.
"It doesn't mean that just eating more dairy can help you
lose weight," says Novotny, professor and chair of the
department of human nutrition, food and animal sciences
at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Calories are still the bottom line
His findings, published in this week's Journal of the
"Calories are still the bottom line," Novotny tells WebMD.
"Does the composition of calories matter? Yes, having
more of them come from calcium-rich foods is associated
with lower weight and lower body fat."
In light of the current obesity epidemic, Novotny says these
findings might provide a new way to help set up children for
a healthy body weight later in life. Although reducing
overall calorie intake and increasing physical activity
are the most effective means to promote weight loss
and reduce body fat in people of any age, she says a
relatively small change in calcium intake might also
lower body fat.
"What perhaps is important about this is that they are in a
period of rapid growth, and because of that growth there is
an opportunity to modify their body composition," says
Novotny. "It sets the stage for future body composition."
High body fat and obesity is associated with many health
risks such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer,
and diabetes.
Calcium's fat-fighting power is not fully understood
The exact mechanism behind calcium's fat-fighting power is
not fully understood, but previous research in animals
suggests that high levels of calcium in the bloodstream
slow down fat production and help shift the body's focus
from accumulating fat to breaking it down.
Registered dietitian Althea Zanecosky says the old adage,
"like mother, like daughter" usually doesn't apply to
weight control methods, but this study shows that it can.
"As a dietitian, I'm really thrilled because here's a food
we're trying to get them to eat for other reasons, and now
here's this added bonus," says Zanecosky, who is also
spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
"Preventing bone disease coming years down road might not be
an incentive for girls," Zanecosky tells WebMD. "But for
those concerned about their weight, this is one more reason
for them to drink their milk because it may also have this
beneficial effect on their weight."
Sneak extra doses of calcium-rich foods into your children's
Zanecosky says it's not hard for parents to sneak extra
doses of calcium-rich foods into their children's diet. As
a mother of two adolescent daughters herself, she finds
the following "tricks" especially effective in her own
Grab a decaffeinated cappuccino with your teenager as an
after-school snack.
Send yogurt along with their lunch, as a snack, or have it
for breakfast (no-fat or low-fat versions of many yogurts
are also available for weight-conscious kids).
Whip up fruit smoothies with skim milk or yogurt.
Sprinkle reduced-fat grated cheeses on salads.
Incorporate low-fat shredded cheese blends into dinner
entrees, such as Mexican cheeses on fajitas and tacos,
Italian cheeses on pasta, etc.
If your child doesn't like plain milk, offer flavored milks
such as chocolate or strawberry.
"This is one potentially trendy diet that's healthy. You can
control fat and get strong bones at same time. I don't know
of any other diets can make that claim," says Zanecosky.
"You can't lose anything but pounds."
Source: WebMD
Monday, August 2, 2010
Healthy tips for women weight loss: 5 ways to stay slim
So congratulations! You've lost some weight! Now, how to maintain weight?
When you have spent weeks or even months of effort and sacrifice, you do not want to have the spirit of a collapse as shown at the beginning to climb. For most of us, regardless of our weight loss method, the weight gain is a real possibility. But is it inevitable?
Follow these five tips insurance, and the balance gets stay:
If you gain a pound, you lose! People who are successful in maintaining weight loss are weighed at least twice a week. Pick regular times a day, regular days of the week, to weigh and keep a chart. If you think that a pound or two, follow a healthy eating plan and structured so that the extra weight comes back.
Have planned snacks instead of grazing. To combat rampant, spontaneous snacking, plan a couple of balanced snacks every day that you can measure and enjoy. Be sure to include some protein and complex carbohydrates in your meal. If you feed yourself a bit more often, you'll be less likely to graze without thinking.
Balance your dealings with healthy choices. You may have an occasional treat, but also can have an occasional healthy choice. Keep the treatment of small so you do not get a raw sugar, large or carbohydrate "race." And if you should eat a sugar or refined carbohydrates, eat a little protein with it so that your blood sugar does not crash and cause cravings for more of the same.
Admit your trigger foods and avoid them. All you have to do is look at certain foods and you know you will eat. Do not keep any snacks in plain site around your home. Put them away. If you are going to the cupboard or refrigerator to examine the elements of appetizers, you'll need to keep trigger foods out of your house altogether.
Experiment and use the tools that work for you. Many dieters hate the act of writing what they eat. Some do not like exercise. Other hate weighing and measuring your food. Others will not give up sugar and refined carbohydrates. You need to be honest with yourself, however. These tools are proven to work. Therefore, experiment with all the tools available to you and use those that work.
Weight regain is not inevitable, but we must take steps to avoid it. Applying these solutions to your life and you will find weight maintenance to be simple and satisfying.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
How does your weight loss program to start
Remember, there is more to you than the naked eye. They have personality, intelligence, emotions ... in short, all those things you do, you. Why diet? After all, you are more than one body, and the really important things can not be measured on a scale. That is, there are some very good reasons for a good diet. Finally, it is not just for the food weight loss or weight gain. No, this is the real meaning of "light" in choosing foods and setting eating habits that you are healthy, strong will and sense of the best. It takes planning and dedication. That is, by setting goals and following. But it should not be a chore. No, the right tools can even be fun ... especially when the results are beginning to find!
Before choosing a diet, there are five simple steps that apply when you really think your weight loss, which may in the perfect punch! Is not that interesting. Very nice ... Try the following:
Step 1) When sitting, eating, preferably on a table. Do not eat while standing, walking, driving or talking on the phone.
Step 2) Read or watch television while eating.
Step 3) Eat only when the stomach is empty. At least 3-4 hours after the last meal.
Step 4) Do not bite until it has already swallowed the previous bite. Clear? Try to observe people and watch them fill their mouths, which are still full. Probably about the same time! Therefore, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow.
Step 5 do not eat) if they are not hungry. No, I am too serious and I know this sounds stupid. For example, when at home wait 5 minutes before half time. If you wait, you'll probably find that you are not hungry again, and if you wait, you can probably eat two thirds! Remember ... Wait five minutes before taking more.
Good nutrition does not end when you finally get your target destination. Maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is an ongoing process. Only this will be the energy for the challenges of your busy day to grow your car and your face look and feel better.
And there is no sense of satisfaction when you achieve your goals by sticking to a proper plan, a healthy diet. On the other hand, we would be without food? Modification of food or reverse heart disease to prevent, reduce your blood pressure, or better manage their diabetes and of course to achieve your desired weight is not just a matter of cutting the butter and eggs and counting fat grams to eat every day. For example, most Americans get about 40% of their calories from fat! That is double the recommended amount if you suffer from heart disease.
There are many misconceptions and confusion concerning fat these days, seems to make sense, others are just stupid! Do not forget fat, some things are definitely known. It is known that most of us eat too much fat and overweight is a major health problem, increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, back pain and cancer. We also know that saturated fatty acids, more than anything else, is responsible for increasing our cholesterol levels.
I know it's strange, but it has been found, ironically, that when people focus only on eliminating cholesterol from their daily food unconsciously transferred to a diet rich in saturated fat! Some people choose to be vegetarian, leaving out meat and eggs, but the nuts and salad dressings, peanut butter, for example, damage more than a lean steak! Message: Be careful what you eat, you will be surprised.
Fat Burning For The Over Forties
First of all, if you're over the age of 40 and yet you are determined to achieve weight loss, then I think some congratulations are in order. However, contrary to what you may believe, doing more cardio workouts is not the magic solution to your problem; but instead, you should begin focusing primarily on the more intense workouts.
In this short article, you'll hopefully be able to discover the truth about weight loss for those over the age of 40. One of the main things you'll discover is that at this stage of your life, quality is more important than quantity with regards to training sessions. Let's start off by taking a look at why cardio exercises fail with regards to weight loss.
According to the results of a study which were published in the journal, Obesity, both men and women were put on intense cardio workout programs, where each subject was required to do one hour of intense cardio on six days of the week for an entire year. If you do the math, you'll see that they each did 300 hours of cardio in total.
Let's face it; most people would quite understandably expect to see a significant amount of weight loss as a result of doing so much intense cardio. However, the results were less than impressive by anyone's standards, in that the men lost an average of six pounds, and the women lost just four pounds. Is it really worth it to do 50 hours of intense cardio simply so that you can lose just one single pound?
To be perfectly honest, there's simply no way I would be able to continue with my job as a weight loss specialist if my clients were only able to shed 1lb. of fat every two months. Now you can see why I use interval training and resistance training with all my clients, irrespective of their age.
The truth of the matter is that even if you are over the age of 40, you still need to follow the same training principles as anyone else who is under the age of 30. For obvious reasons, you certainly are advised to consult with your doctor prior to beginning such an exercise program. Admittedly, because of your age you may have certain muscle areas which will require additional work, but apart from that, you need to follow the same sort of training exercises as what younger people do.
As a weight loss specialist, here are my top with rules for people over the age of 40 who are looking to achieve weight loss, particularly those who want to lose belly fat:
Rule #1
You need to begin eating a diet which is low in calories. In other words, you need to be eating foods which are wholesome and healthy, such as fresh fruit and vegetables for example. Irrespective of what age you are, you should be eating fruits and vegetables anyway. If you're not accustomed to eating sufficient fruits and vegetables each day you can begin by starting off slowly and then gradually increasing the amount until you manage to consume approximately ten servings each day.
The fiber which is present in many naturally healthy foods will also help to keep you feeling full, and as a result, you'll be less tempted to snack on junk food between meals. Also, you'll immediately begin noticing that you have far more energy than you did before.
Rule #2
You need to start doing some resistance training in order to give your muscles some definition. Bear in mind that as you grow older, it becomes increasingly important for you to maintain a certain amount of body strength in order to remain healthy. The bottom line is; if you don't use it, you'll end up losing it, and this is why your exercise program should ideally include strength training at least twice each week. In fact, if you can fit it in then you should try to do it three times each week.
Rule for #3
You also need to begin doing some interval training in order to help you get rid of your excess belly fat. Interval training will without a doubt deliver results in a much shorter space of time than cardio. Interestingly enough, studies carried out in Australia found that women who did just twenty minutes of interval training each week managed to shed more belly fat than those who were doing 40 minutes of cardio.
So, to sum it all up, you need to change your training regimen to include short, bursts of exercise rather than long, slow cardio. This applies to you irrespective of your age
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